

I am Daniel Mydlarz,

28 years old home grown frontend developer.

My journey with programming starts in early 2018. On my girlfriend birthday party my friend told me that he is learning how to code websites and show me his first site. I was confused how it’s all working together: brackets, semicolons and whole syntax.

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Next day, strangely enough

I used to remember that what we talked about so I turn on the computer and start learning through youtube. For the first time that was so complicated for me, but something was telling me:DON’T STOP.

First I learned markups and HTML Syntax then I go straight to CSS. Colors, gradiends, SVG’s and animations. Fastly i realized that making designs of websites make me happy and relaxed.

First I learned markups and HTML Syntax then I go straight to CSS. Colors, gradiends, SVG’s and animations. Fastly i realized that making designs of websites make me happy and relaxed.


Meanwhile to organize knowledge I decided to make a 3 weeks stationary course at University Of Economics and Computer Science in Kraków. The course has ended with 98-375:MTA HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals Certificate.

I met there a lot of people which I could share thoughts with. After course I continued to hone my JavaScript skill and start to use React library, Jest testing framework and more advanced frameworks.

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Soft skills

When I was 7 years old my grandpa took me on Ice Hockey Match. I fell in love with this sport and my whole childhood until 16 I spend on skating and hard traning. I am glad because that installed in me 3 very importnant attributes.

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Created with love © Daniel Mydlarz